U'known World is a place where everyone is happy and where everyone lives in peace... is something I would've said if I was a liar... U'known World used to be a peaceful place until an evil king, known as Flamezar Kor, started The Great War for seemingly no reason...

A year has passed since the war begun, and the six Gods of the planet, Aquon Wet, Treeant Mon, Windos Air, Stoneqa Dry, Firegom Kor and Wetmonair Drykor decided to step in and stop Flamezar Kor's terror once and for all!

What are Flamezar Kor's goals, and will the Gods of the planet be able to stop this evil king? But is Flamezar Kor really the one behind all the terror... or? Find out in this action-filled fantasy full of references to popular TV-shows, comics, anime, manga, video games and much more!

Water World

The place where it all started...

Water World, the home of Ice Golems, guards of the famous Water Castle, where the God of Water World, Aquon Wet (AKA Aq (don’t call him that, tho)), resides, patiently waiting for any issues that would need his help to be solved…

Rock World

Where the dudes are chilling...

Rock World, the home of The Giant-Ass Mountain, where a certain race took place… It is also home to many Uglymons, most notable of which are the famous Uglypis and Uglystones, who are hiding all around the U’known World!!

Windy Air Thing

The... windy... air thingy...

Some call it the Air World… some call it the Wind World… But the truth is that its name is simply Windy Air Thing… Why? Nobody fucking knows… Not even Best, the Creator, knows the reason behind its bizarre name…

Forest World

The trees... bushes and stuff...

Forest World, home of The Giant Fucking Tree, where absolutely nothing notable has ever happened… It is also the place where Treewood Mon, the king of Forest, invented the famous “Touch” attack…

Fire World

The home of The Fucking Volcano...

Fire World, a place where many bad memories of the U’known World’s citizens lay… It was the home of Bob, the KA-boomer, the infamous boomer general who started The Boomer War, one of the biggest conflicts in U’known World’s history…




Experience U'known World in 32-bit

Have you ever wished to live in U'known World? Neither have I! But if you ever wish to live the experience the U'known World story in 32-bit, old-school RPG style, well then say no more!! In this upcoming RPG you will be able to experience the entire story of U'known World!! The Demon War, the Boomer War, Everything the Unstoppable, the "To The Top!!" race, and all other story elements from the comic!!

The RPG is currently in the making process...
You can help the making process by supporting the developer :D